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Writer's pictureBob Norton

The Disempowering Effects Of External Overload

information overload

There are three main sources of external overload which take up your time, shatter your peace and disable your self-empowerment. I call them the Mind Grinders, namely the media, and so-called friends and acquaintances who insist on sharing their ‘must-be-listened-to’ stories or accounts of victimisation or discovery right now. In a world of information overload, it's getting harder and harder to sort the fact from the fiction, the relevant and important, from any of these sources.

And then, of course, the disempowering effects of external overload are such that they distort and transform as they mix and combine with the most significant Grinding machine of them all - your internally generated mind chatter; the persistent, internal chatter that constantly dwells on unresolved fears and concerns day and night.

The Disempowering Effects of External Overload:

The challenges of modern life and living can hinder your ability to achieve inner peace, leading you to grapple with issues that lack substantial foundations. The constant state of 'busyness' can be disempowering. Conversely, peace and tranquility are empowering, allowing you the space to cultivate your own thoughts, aspirations, and goals.

woman with too much mind chatter

It is important to take responsibility for your own mind chatter, your own inner thoughts. You need to have self-discipline and mindfulness to monitor and alter your thought processes. This demands an enormous amount of awareness. More on this below. Dealing with external influences is more challenging as they come from various sources and directions, like the ongoing Trump/Biden conflict, the distressing Israel/Gaza war, and the Orwellian power struggle between Putin and Zelensky. These events may feel surreal, leaving us feeling like mere spectators being manipulated like puppets.

There is one solution and that is to switch off. Become aware of the extraneous information seeping in to your life and learn to disconnect from it. Easier said than done? Are you so hooked in that such horror is part of your life? Or is it that switching off is uncaring?

If you find it challenging to disconnect from the constant flow of external noise, consider that turning off might actually be an act of self-care. Perhaps prioritizing your well-being by choosing to disconnect will even reduce the influence of those war-mongers who promote fear and conflict. The more aware you become of which external information sources positively add to your life as opposed to negatively take from it, the more you begin to take control of your own mind, your own thoughts, your own sense of peace and happiness.

When it comes to your friends and their engaging stories, it's a different and often tricky situation. They are not intentionally trying to harm you. You do however need to master the art of safeguarding your time and personal space by allowing any negativity to pass by while maintaining your inner peace and boundaries. This requires practice, but it is achievable, especially when you find yourself in a one-sided conversation rather than a meaningful dialogue.

The test is also a form of control in the great divide between those who design and those who do at others’ bidding. To find the real ‘you’ requires peace and quiet, stillness, silence, aloneness, self-esteem, self awareness and self-knowledge beyond the illusory mundaneness of everyday life. The test requires you to discover your own uniqueness and grow into your own power.

In the wider universal scheme of things, life can be seen as a test meant to reveal to you your true identity and potential rather than blindly accepting the beliefs and perceptions of others. We are ALL meant to be creators, not followers. Whatsmore, uncovering your authentic self necessitates solitude, introspection, and a deep understanding of your own worth and capabilities, transcending the illusory superficialities of daily existence. It challenges you to embrace your individuality and develop your personal strength.

Experiencing external overload can evoke both happiness and sadness, enthusiasm and sorrow – essentially a cacophony of fluctuating viewpoints. However, it does not lead to self-awareness, authenticity, or a deep understanding of one's inner resonance. To achieve that, you must detach from external distractions and concentrate on your inner self: "Do the Inner Work", as they say. Looking within is the sole route to true understanding. Everything else is merely hearsay.

Although it may appear contradictory, this principle does not extend to the most significant external influencer of all – Nature. Nature stands apart from artificial constructs, offering a unique path to self-discovery. Nature serves as a powerful source of healing and genuine tranquility.

pathway to a river

By taking the time to immerse ourselves in Nature, to be alone, to breathe in the fresh air, to listen to the sounds of Nature, to observe its beauty, and simply let everything be as it is, we discover our own inner peace and comfort. In this moment, we disconnect from the overwhelming external stimuli and mental noise of the Mind Grinders. This is where we find the inner voice of our personal truth. It is here that we find peace.

Each of us has our own truth, just as each of us has our own pathway to that truth. These differences do not separate us; in fact, they unite us. We may be on the same journey, but we each forge our unique path.

Perspective is perhaps the greatest benefit that the information overload of the external world can offer us. However, the true path to understanding and peace lies within ourselves.

Take Time Out From the Busy and Enjoy a Retreat in France

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