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A Pathway to Self-Empowerment: Part 2: Gaining Mastery

Writer's picture: Bob NortonBob Norton

mind mastery

Last week in Part One, we explored the complex process of mind training, which is a crucial element of self-empowerment. The exploration of 'mind training' involved examining interconnected themes like self-accountability, the impact of experiences, the significance of perspective and truth, the dynamics of facing challenges and the need to assert one's viewpoint, the value of acceptance and letting go, and the subtle equilibrium between the past and the present.

This week in Part Two, we embark on a journey to explore the very essence of our beliefs and how they shape our reality. Our beliefs, deeply rooted in our experiences, upbringing, and societal influences, serve as the guiding force behind our thoughts, actions, and decisions whether we are consciously aware of it or not. By understanding the origins of our beliefs, we are set to gain invaluable insight into ourselves and the world around us, paving the way for personal growth and transformation.

Central to this exploration is the concept of being in control of our own lives. Empowerment lies in recognizing that we have the ability to shape our destinies, make conscious choices, and steer our lives in the direction we desire. Through self-awareness, mindfulness, and intentionality, we can harness our inner strength and take charge of our paths, embracing a sense of autonomy and purpose.

Emotions, as intricate and multifaceted as they are, play a pivotal role in our wellbeing and overall quality of life. By cultivating emotional intelligence and learning to navigate the complex landscape of our feelings, we can cultivate resilience, empathy, and authenticity. Embracing both the light and dark aspects of our emotions allows us to connect more deeply with ourselves and others, fostering meaningful relationships and personal fulfillment.

mind balance

The Law of Attraction, a universal principle that governs the energy we emit and attract, underscores the power of positive thinking and intention setting. By aligning our thoughts, beliefs, and actions with our desires and goals, we can manifest abundance, success, and happiness in our lives. Practicing gratitude, visualization, and affirmations can amplify the effects of the Law of Attraction, creating a harmonious flow of opportunities and blessings.

Gaining Mastery on the Pathway to Self-Empowerment

Gaining mastery on the pathway to self-empowerment, whether in a skill, craft, or aspect of life, requires dedication, perseverance, and a growth mindset. By committing to continuous learning, self-improvement, and mastery of our chosen pursuits, we can unlock our full potential and excel in our endeavors. Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, we cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a sense of mastery that propels us towards excellence.

Navigating life's challenges with patience, grace, and resilience is essential for personal development and inner peace. Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, but how we respond to adversity defines our character and shapes our future. By cultivating patience, practicing self-care, and embracing uncertainty with an open heart, we can weather life's storms with courage and grace, emerging stronger and wiser with each experience.

1.     Beliefs

Your beliefs are generally formed from repetition and, instead of coming to you through inner resonance and knowing, they emerge and are unwittingly formed by our childhood experiences and peers, the perspectives of others, through the media and through majority thinking. We should therefore be careful of our thoughts when examining our beliefs because they do not necessarily emerge from intellectualising what we learn. They do not necessarily come from understanding, rational processing or proof. They keep your mind active yet still voracious in its appetite for ever more ideas. Inner resonance and knowing come from the experience of the heart, not the mind and the feeling is irrepressible, like no other. You will know when you feel it. Develop an inner relationship with your heart and search for the deepest knowing possible and highest good for yourself and others. All you need to listen to your heart is to be alone in peace and quiet.


2.     Who is the governor of your life?

You or external hear-say? You should be the one governing your life, your inner life, your real life because you have your own truths and should not simply be following the thoughts of others. Governing your life is not about having or exerting control over others which is, in fact, impossible to attain and counter-productive for your evolutionary process. Governing your life is about getting control over your own mind - your greatest protector from danger - and controlling your responses to all that life throws at you. When confronted with a challenging issue, imagine for instance that it is already resolved: think that it is resolved and act as though it is resolved. Believe genuinely that it is resolved and let it be for it will be. Trust fully in your own processes. If you don't think about things that used to worry you, they, for the most part, just go away.

stressed woman

3.     Emotions

Stay mindful of your emotions, particularly anger and feelings of victimization, without attempting to control or suppress them. Spend time alone and acknowledge these emotions. Allow them to run their course until they naturally subside and new insights emerge. Emotions can serve as powerful teachers if you slow down during moments of anger or victimization and reflect on the reasons behind your feelings. Engaging in self-inquiry and initiating a dialogue with yourself can also lead to a shift in your emotional state. Awareness is key. Embrace and let go, as acceptance and surrender will ultimately bring peace and serenity. Recognize that these emotions are a part of you that you don’t project onto others but can share once you comprehend them. Surrender involves accepting life as it is, rather than resisting or wishing for it to be different. By becoming conscious of your thoughts, you become your own observer.


4.     What vibration are you attracting to yourself?

You know that cooperation and collaboration are the only ways out of confrontation and disagreement even though they are tough task-masters and can sometimes be hard work. Give your full attention to those parts of life and living that you appreciate and want more of. If you are always pushing against things that you don’t like or don’t want you will only finish up by attracting more of them to you. The universe gives you more of what you are, what you are thinking, what you are being – such is the Law of Attraction. So be ultra careful about what you think – it is all too easy to let your attention fall back on negatives.


5.     Mastery?

If you have been following along so far, you are now exploring - and rediscovering - your own sovereignty, realizing that you have control over your thoughts and actions and finding contentment in the responsibility and peace they provide. We all experience the ebbs and flows of happiness and sadness, of acceptance and resistance, of generosity and selfishness. We are aware of the emotions that elevate us and those that bring us crashing down. We acknowledge that we all go through these highs and lows and that we share more similarities than differences. Some lessons simply take a considerable amount of time to grasp. One lifetime is certainly not sufficient. Perhaps a thousand would be more adequate.


6.     Tests and Patience

All of the above are tests which we call life. The tests can take time to master and you may sometimes stumble a little because of prevailing doubts and those eternal questions of the ego mind but you come back stronger each time. The Universe has infinite patience. So we should be grateful. Consciousness is everything. So is gratitude.


happy woman



While the journey towards self-empowerment may often be a solitary one, others may join us along the way, either to support or challenge us, ultimately impacting the progress we make in this lifetime.

This pathway is characterized by focused awareness, profound introspection, and inner exploration of our experiences, emotions, and feelings. Through this process, we unearth insights that originate from within, leading us to our personal truths.


Hope is the doorway to belief, belief is the doorway to knowing, knowing is the doorway to creation, and creation is the doorway to experience.
Experience is the doorway to expression, expression is the doorway to becoming, becoming is the activity of all Life and the only function of God.
What you hope, you will eventually believe, what you believe, you eventually know, what you know, you will eventually create, what you create, you will eventually experience, what you experience, you will eventually express, what you express, you will eventually become.
This the formula of all life.
It is as simple as that.


p. 115. Home With God, Neale Donald Walsch, Atria Books, 2007.


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