This fascinating dual certification will help your clients build positive, life-affirming habits and behaviors, natural pain management, reduce stress and increase motivation and gain valuable self-knowledge -- all through the easy-to-learn skills of Self-Hypnosis, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression.
About a third of adults living in the Western world believe in reincarnation or the continued existence of the soul beyond physical life. Many religions and
philosophies around the world and throughout the ages have reincarnation as part of their foundational beliefs. While the application of Past Life Regression (PLR) in no way proves the existence of an afterlife, it does provide a glimpse into the incredible potential of tapping into the subconscious mind. Many individuals report increased self-awareness and less fear of loss or death after undergoing PLR. There are many documented cases of physical and emotional improvement after undergoing this type of therapy.
Graduates of this program will be able to conduct past life regressions on self, individuals, and groups in addition to offering their services in basic behavioural modification. There is a constant supply of individuals who want to improve their habits and lifestyle behaviors.


What happens before we take on physical form? What happens when we complete a lifetime? In the Past Life Regression portion of this course, we will explore multiple theories of what happens when we die, the Bardo state, Soul Contracts, Soulmates, “Life between Life” Reincarnation, Mediumship, Disembodied Spirits and Astral Planes, Parallel Universes and the Seven Rays. An illuminated understanding of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell - from a spiritual perspective - is also explored.
Program Objectives:
Create a valuable income stream by offering hypnotherapy sessions to your clients for behavioral modification (instilling positive habits) natural stress and pain management, and self-discovery through past life regression
Learn the Laws of the Mind and the Rules of Suggestion for helping clients improve their lifestyle and self-image by tapping into the subconscious mind
Understand the concept of a neural hijacking and how to control panic, pain and stress through post-hypnotic suggestions, cues, and keys
Develop a hypnotic presence and learn how to modulate your voice to discover your own hypnotic style and rapport
Gain confidence in your skills through practicum and online workshops
Explore a variety of theories and philosophies about reincarnation, including Jungian Archetypal theory, Consecutive and Simultaneous Time Theory and Oversoul Theory
Understand the concepts of Karma, Samskaras, Astral Planes and Soul Groups
Assist clients in gaining self-knowledge through experiencing a series of past-life
regressions and overcoming fear of loss and death.
Improve your self-understanding by learning how to self-regress and participating in a “Karma Workshop”
Discover a technique for exploring parallel existences to comprehend the power of choice
Learn about the Interlife and how tapping into this “life between life” state can bring higher perspectives and healing
Soulmates and Soul Contacts
Communication from the Beyond
Past life regression through hypnosis (Self, Individuals and Groups)
Topics covered:
Structure of the mind and levels of consciousness
Laws of the Mind and Rules of Suggestion
Induction and Guided Imagery
Raising Permission Levels for higher levels of achievement
Anatomy of a Neural Hijacking History of Hypnosis and its Evolution throughout the past centuries
Reincarnation Theories (Archetypal, Consecutive/Simultaneous Time, Oversoul)
Evolution of the Soul
Near Death Experiences
Samskaras, Bardo State
The Interlife
Physical and emotional conditions related to past lives/deaths
Spirit Guides and Soul Teachers
Communication from the beyond
Karma Workshop
Quantum Selves Therapy

Fast-track students through an accelerated learning program to a three month certification (possible to defer completion for a total of nine months).
Hybrid learning environment incorporating: one 5-day in-person full immersion retreat, online email support/moderation, two 1-on-1 zoom meetings.
Completion of 70% of all program learning requirements through a variety of: group and 1-on-1 discussions, practical activities, group and solo study, reflection.
Option to stay an extra day to undertake more practicum.

Provide a 5-day residential where students can come together and benefit from:
The opportunity to complete 70% of the total program learning requirements in five days
The opportunity to complete the entire certification program within 3 months
1-on-1 tuition/mentoring/feedback
In-person tuition/mentoring/feedback
Working solo and within a group in a series of practical activities, discussions, study, and reflection periods
Networking opportunities with fellow students
Work in small groups for maximum learning impact
€1, 995 is the cost of full tuition and certification and includes:
• A 5-day full board, residential with:
Tuition, mentoring and outdoor activities
Breakfast, lunch, 3-course dinner, morning, and afternoon refreshment
Trip to Carcassonne castle
Transportation to and from outdoor activities (where necessary)
Transportation to and from Carcassonne airport/train station (€100 surcharge for Toulouse which can be shared with other students)
• Two one-on-one zoom meetings pre/post residential.
• Online mentoring and moderation for 9 months (max)
• Full access to the online library & resources
• Hard copy of 'Your Mind: The Owner's Manual' written by course founder, Dr. LindaJoy Rose.
The 5-day residential will NOT include tuition for ALL the learning requirements. ALL students will be eligible for free online tuition for these elements before and after the residential.
A deposit of 40% (€798) must be paid at the time of inscription.
A further payment of 40% (€798) must be made prior to arrival.
The final 20% (€798) must be made before Certification is awarded.
For students wishing to stay an extra day, an additional charge of €150 will be payable to cover all meals, accommodation, and moderation of the extra day.
Students wishing to stay longer for sight-seeing and to explore the area can extend their stay and choose whether they wish to pay for B&B, Half- or Full-Board per day.
Can't Make the Event Dates Below?
Sometimes prior commitments mean we can't attend the organised group event dates. However, in the off-seasons, a 1-on-1 Fast-Track residential may still be possible for you. If this interests you, Contact Us to discuss your preferred times and we'll see what we can do.
Upcoming Events
- Thu, 24 AprRazès Gîtes, Occitanie, France